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Complete list of Dr. Tutuncuoglu's publications are available from her Google Scholar Page.

  1. Role of Defects in Resistive Switching Dynamics of Memristors: Tutuncuoglu, G.*; Mannodi-Kanakkithodi, A. MRS Communications, Just Accepted (2022)

  2. Impact of Porosity and Boundary Scattering on Thermal Transport in Diameter-Modulated Nanowires: Malhotra, A.*; Tutuncuoglu, G.*; Kommandur, S.; Creamer, P.; Rajan, A.; Mohabir, A.; Yee, S.; Filler, M. A; Maldovan, M.; ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 14, 1, 1740–1746 (2022) *Equal Contribution

  3. Reducing Conductivity Variability in Si Nanowires via Surface Passivation for Nanoelectronics: Yuan, W.; Tutuncuoglu, G.; Mohabir, A. T.; Thorpe, R.; Feldman, L. C.; Filler, M. A.; Shan, J. W.; ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 4,4,3852-3860 (2021)

  4. GaAs nanoscale membranes: prospects for seamless integration of III–Vs on silicon: Raya, A.M.; Friedl, M.; Marti-S anchez, S.; Dubrovskii, V.G.; Francaviglia, L.; Alen, B., Morgan, N.; Tutuncuoglu, G.; Ramasse, Q.M.; Fuster, D.; Llorens, J.M. Nanoscale, 12, 815-824 (2020)

  5. Bottom-Up Masking of Si/Ge Surfaces and Nanowire Heterostructures via Surface Initiated Polymerization and Selective Etching
    Mohabir, A.; Tutuncuoglu,G.; Amar T Mohabir; Weiss, T.; Vogel, E. M.; Filler, M. A. ACS Nano, 14, 282-288 (2020)

  6. The Geode Process I: Hollow Silica Microcapsules as a High Surface Area Substrate for Semiconductor Nanowire Growth: Mujica, M.; Tutuncuoglu, G.; Mohabir, A.; Woods, E.: Breedveld, V.; Behrens, S.; Filler, M. ACS Applied Nanomaterials, 1, 905-913 (2020)

  7. Questioning liquid droplet stability on nanowire tips: from theory to experiment: Ghisalberti, L.; Potts, H.; Friedl, M.; Zamani, M.; Guniat, L.; Tutuncuoglu, G.; Carter, W C.; i Morral, A. F. Nanotechnology 30, 28 (2019)

  8. Fundamental aspects to localize self-catalyzed III-V nanowires on silicon: Vukajlovic-Plestina, J.; Kim, W.; Ghisalberti, L.; Varnavides, G.; Tutuncuoglu, G.; Potts, H.; Friedl, M.; Gu ̈niat, L.; Carter, W. C.; Dubrovskii, V. G.; Fontcuberta i Morral, A. Nature Communications 10, 869 (2019)

  9. Contactless Electrical and Structural Characterization of Semiconductor Nanowires with Axially Modulated Doping Profiles:
    Yuan, W.; Tutuncuoglu, G.; Mohabir, A.; Liu, L.; Feldman, L. C.; Filler, M. A.; Shan, J. W. Small 180540 (2019)

  10. Segregation scheme of Indium in AlGaInAs nanowire shells: Francaviglia, L.; Tutuncuoglu, G.; Marti-Sanchez, S.; Di Russo, Enrico; Steinvall, E. S. ; Ruiz, J. S.; Potts, H.; Friedl, M.; Rigutti, L.; Arbiol, J.; Fontcuberta i Morral, A. Physical Review Materials 3,2, 23001 (2019)

  11. Tuning adatom mobility and nanoscale segregation by twin formation and polytypism: Francaviglia,L.; Tutuncuoglu, G.; Matteini, F.; Fontcuberta i Morral, A. Nanotechnology 30, 054006 (2019)

  12. Growth kinetics and morphological analysis of homoepitaxial GaAs fins by theory and experiment: Albani, M.; Ghisalberti, L.; Bergamaschini, R.; Friedl, M.; Salvalaglio, M.; Voigt, A.; Montalenti, F.; Tutuncuoglu, G.; Fontcuberta i Morral, A.; Miglio, L. Physical Review Materials 2, 9, 093404 (2018)

  13. Coherent two-mode dynamics of a nanowire force sensor: Braakman, F.R.; Rossi, N.; Tutuncuoglu, G.; Fontcuberta i Morral, A.; Poggio, M. Physical Review Applied 9, 5, 054045 (2018)

  14. Observation of end-vortex nucleation in individual ferromagnetic nanotubes: Mehlin, A.; Gross, B.; Wyss, M.; Schefer, T.; Tutuncuoglu, G.; Fontcuberta i Morral, A.; Grundler, D. Physical Review B 97, 13, 134422 (2018)

  15. Imaging stray magnetic field of individual ferromagnetic nanotubes: Vasyukov, D.; Ceccarelli, L.; Wyss, M.; Gross, B.; Schwarb, A.; Mehlin, A., Tutuncuoglu, G.; Fontcuberta i Morral, A.; Grundler, D. Nano Letters, 18, 2, 964-970 (2018)

  16. Anisotropic-Strain-Induced Band Gap Engineering in Nanowire-Based Quantum Dots: Francaviglia, L.; Giunto, A.; Kim, M.; Romero-Gomez, P.; Vukajlovic-Plestina, J.; Friedl, M.; Potts, H.; Guniat, L.; Tutuncuoglu, G.; Fontcuberta i Morral, A. Nano Letters, 18, 4, 2393-2401 (2018)

  17. Optimizing the yield of A-polar GaAs nanowires to achieve defect-free zinc blende structure and enhanced optical functionality:
    Zamani, M.*; Tutuncuoglu, G.*; Marti-Sanchez, S.M.; Francaviglia, L.; Markov, E.; Kim, W.; Gu ̈niat, L.; Ghisalberti, L.; Potts, H.; Friedl, M.; Leran, J. B.; G Dubrovskii, V.; Arbiol, J.; Fontcuberta i Morral, A. Nanoscale, 10, 17080-17091 (2018)*Equal contribution

  18. Anisotropic-Strain-Induced Band Gap Engineering in Nanowire-Based Quantum Dots: Francaviglia, L.; Giunto, A.; Kim, W.; Romero-Gomez, P.; Vukajlovic-Plestina, J.; Friedl, M.; Potts, H.; Guniat, L.; Tutuncuoglu, G., Fontcuberta i Morral, A. Nano Letters 18, 4, 2393–2401 (2018)

  19. Template assisted scalable nanowire networks: Friedl, M. ; Cerveny, K.; Weigele, P.; Tutuncuoglu, G.; Mart ́ı-S ́anchez, S.; Huang, C.; Patlatiuk, T.; Potts, H.; Sun, Z.; Hill, M. O.; Gu niat, L.; Kim, W.; Zamani, M.; Dubrovskii, V. G.; Arbiol, J.; Lauhon, L. J.; Zumbuhl, D. M.; Fontcuberta i Morral, A. Nano Letters 18, 4, 2666–2671 (2018)

  20. Bistability of Contact Angle and Its Role in Achieving Quantum-Thin Self-Assisted GaAs nanowires: Kim, W.; Dubrovskii ,V. G.; Vukajlovic-Plestina, J.; Tutuncuoglu, G.; Francaviglia, L.; Gu ̈niat , L.; Potts, H.; Friedl, M.; Leran, J.B.; Fontcuberta i Morral, A. Nano Letters 18, 1, 49-57 (2018)

  21. Imaging stray magnetic field of individual ferromagnetic nanotubes: Vasyukov, D.; Ceccarelli, L.; Wyss, M.; Gross, B.; Schwarb, A.; Mehlin, A.; Rossi, N.; Tutuncuoglu, G.; Heimbach, F.; Zamani, R.; Kovacs, A.; Fontcuberta i Morral, A.; Grundler, D.; Poggio, M. Nano Letters 18, 2, 964–970 (2018)

  22. Visual Understanding of Light Absorption and Waveguiding in Standing Nanowires with 3D Fluorescence Confocal Microscopy:
    Frederiksen, R.; Tutuncuoglu, G.; Matteini, F.; Martinez, K. L.; Fontcuberta i Morral, A.; Alarcon-Llado, E.; ACS Photonics 4,9, 2235–2241 (2017)

  23. Conductive-probe atomic force microscopy as a characterization tool for nanowire-based solar cells: Mikulik, D.; Ricci, M.; Tutuncuoglu, G.; Matteini, F.; Vukajlovic, J.; Vulic, N.; Alarcon-Llado, E.; Fontcuberta i Morral, A.; Nano Energy 41, 566-572 (2017)

  24. Towards higher electron mobility in modulation doped GaAs/AlGaAs core shell nanowires: Boland, J. L.; Tutuncuoglu, G.; Gong, J. Q.; Conesa-Boj, S.; Davies, C. L.; Herz, L. M.; Fontcuberta i Morral, A.; Johnston, M. B.; Nanoscale 9, 7839-7846 (2017)

  25. Engineering the size distributions of ordered GaAs nanowires on silicon: Vukajlovic-Plestina, J.; Kim, W.; Dubrovskii, V. G.; Tutuncuoglu, G.; Lagier, M.; Potts, H.; Friedl, M.; Fontcuberta i Morral, A.; Nano Letters 17, 7, 4101–4108 (2017)

  26. Vectorial scanning force microscopy using a nanowire sensor: Rossi, N.; Braakman, F. R.; Cadeddu, D.; Vasyukov, D.; Tutuncuoglu, G.; Fontcuberta i Morral, A; Poggio, M.; Nature Nanotechnology 12, 150–155 (2017)

  27. Revealing large-scale homogeneity and trace impurity sensitivity of GaAs nanoscale membranes: Yang, Z.; Surrente, A.; Tutuncuoglu, G.; Galkowski, K.; Cazaban-Carraze`I, M.; Amaduzzi, F.; Leroux, P.; Maude, D. K.; Fontcuberta i Morral, A.; Plochocka, P.; Nano Letters 17, 5, 2979-2984 (2017)

  28. Tilting catalyst-free InAs nanowires by 3D-twinning and unusual growth directions: Potts, H.; Van Hees, Y.; Tutuncuoglu, G.; Friedl, M.; Leran, J.B.; Fontcuberta i Morral, A.; Crystal Growth & Design 17,7, 3596-3605 (2017)

  29. Plasmonic waveguide-integrated nanowire laser: Bermudez-Urena, E.; Tutuncuoglu, G.; Cuerda, J.; LC Smith, C.; Bravo-Abad, J.; Bozhevolnyi, S.; Fontcuberta i Morral, A.; Garcia-Vidal, F. J.; Quidant, R. Nano Letters 17,2, 747-754 (2017)

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